There is so much on my mind and so much going on right now. I am getting frustrated trying to figure out how to set up this blog, but I know I’ll get there.

In the meantime, I just need to get some things out of my head.

So many things are about to change. My spouse will finally be home soon after us having been almost eighteen months apart. I’ve seen him twice since then, he has seen the baby (who is now fourteen months old) twice. If it wasn’t for video chats, the toddler probably wouldn’t even remember him. I have no idea how everything is going to go. So many things about the past eighteen months have frustrated the hell out of me and I have to keep reminding myself that it is not my responsibility to make sure he is responsible. Which becomes increasingly difficult the more he doesn’t do the things that he needs to do. I know that it sounds like I’m a control freak, and maybe I am, I’m going to sit on that for a little while and figure that out. All the same. His wife shouldn’t be the one to make sure he acts like a grown up when he is in his mid thirties.

Another change is that my sister is about to move here. In fact, my sister and her family will be here within days of my husband. My sister, her husband, and her two children. My mother and I will be adding my niblings to our homeschool program, which already includes my 9yo and my toddler. I really hope that we aren’t biting off more than we can chew. It’s going to be nice to have a good chunk of the cousins together, though. When I was growing up, I spent very little time with any family besides my siblings and my parents. I am glad that my children will have a different opportunity.

Through a series of VERY fortunate events, my spouse and I were able to purchase the land adjacent to the land my parents own. Between us and my parents, we now have a chunk of almost eight acres. There’s so much we want to do. We are waiting for the previous owners to harvest their corn crop before we do anything. That wasn’t mandatory in the sale, but we decided it wouldn’t hurt to wait. Right now I kind of wish we had asked them to just clear the land when we signed the papers, but even if we had, I’m not sure that I would have accomplished very much at this point, so it seems moot.

On that same end, I have a fiberglass rash because I’m a dumbass. I say that as lovingly as I can possibly say anything to myself. You would think that after spending almost ten years working with raw fiberglass, I would know better. You would think after getting a fiberglass rash a few days ago, I would KNOW BETTER. I thought to myself today that I wasn’t actually going to be handling the insulation in the loft of my tiny house, I was just stapling the plastic sheeting over it so I can get the drywall up. I thought that I would be careful and it would be okay. I was wrong. On the plus side, the side effects from my second COVID vaccine are subsiding, so working out in the house wasn’t a complete nightmare.

I feel like there’s a lot more going on, but this was a decent brain dump. I’m gonna try to go more in depth with each of those in later posts, but for now, I’ve got them down.